About me
La Cartomanzia
Sono sempre stato attratto dalla magia e dall’arte, nato in una famiglia in cui la divinazione è sempre stata all’ordine del giorno. Oggi, dopo anni di studio e di esperienza sul campo, mi presento come un esperto di questo settore, consultando oracoli e temi astrologici, al fine di cogliere messaggi per l’evoluzione utilizzando un metodo mediante il quale il consultante entra in contatto con la sua interiorità circa le problematiche che non riesce ancora ad affrontare o a superare
La Pittura
Also painting has always been part of my life: I remember that as a child I loved dedicating myself to painting rather than playing. For over 10 years I have been painting using different techniques, including watercolor and acrylic colors. If you love to paint or would like to learn, take a look at my website dedicated to the creative world : you will find a series of lessons on various painting techniques thanks to which you will be able to put your talent to good use.
So in my life I had an inspiration: why not combine my two great passions in a single art? This is how this site was born, a place where magic is not made of potions but of drawings, with the intention of spreading with love what my creative part has given birth.